Fodder Inc

Fodder Inc #304:
Bringing Work Home

Kevin takes us home to give us a tour. Unfortunately, Mrs Kevin brought work home
Fodder Inc #304: Bringing Work Home

Welcome to Fodder Inc, a weekly Webcomic, brought to you by Foolish Media! Updated weekly, Fodder Inc is the story of Gop the Goblin, as he sets out to prove himself as the greatest Goblin hero you have ever heard of!

Previous Episodes:

denominalization is the act of taking someone's name and using it as a verb.
Fodder Inc #303: Denominalization
You would think someone like Daryl would notice losing the shirt off his back.
Fodder Inc #302: The Shirt off My Back


Gop comes face to face with a... Spaced... Marine.
Fodder Inc #301: The Imperium Arrives
Gop and Daryl talk about a potential uprising because of new taxes being levied by the kingdom, and Daryl channels his inner Leonidas.
Fodder Inc #300: A Defining Moment


One of the members of the party thought a mimic was their bag of holding...
Fooder Inc #299: Chest of Mimicry


AI is a problem, even in the fantastical Worlds.
Fodder Inc #298: The A.I. Uprising
The Young Owlin is going to die if he drinks that poison!
Fodder Inc #297: Questionable Beverages


Well of course they find the empty inn to be terrifying. It's EMPTY
Fodder Inc #296: A Warrior’s Mindset
The owlin looks ready to prepare itself as dinner for our scaly friend.
Fodder Inc #295: A Bird In The Hand 


Looks Like Daryl is going to host a birthday party at the dungeon
Fodder Inc #294: Happy Birthday!
Daryl isn't even the one that gets sent to prison?
Fodder Inc #293: The Trial of Daryl Dendak: Gop Goes to Prison
The Town cryer delivering the news of the pending verdict doesn't seem to bode well for Daryl
Fodder INC #292: The Trial of Daryl Dendak V – No Defense Needed
A mysterious adventurer, and Kitty travel the planes of Limbo
Fodder Inc #291: Meanwhile…


Witnesses are Paraded in front of the court, to bury daryl
Fodder Inc #290: Witnesses On Parade
The Reality Sinks in for Gop
Fodder Inc #289: The Trial of Daryl Dendak III: The Reality of the Situation


A deceased former employee is probably not the best witness.
Fodder Inc #288: The Trial of Daryl Dendak II, Hostile Witness
The Daryl Dendak Trial BEGINS!
Fodder Inc #287: The Trial of Daryl Dendak, I


And thus begins the trial of the century: The Trial Of Daryl Dendak
Fodder Inc #286: The Recognition You Deserve
Of course Daryl isn't worried about the fishing part. He's not the bait
Fodder Inc #285: Goin’ Fishin’


With too many animals, Daryl needs to get some adopted from the dungeon
Fodder Inc #284: Exotic Pets
It's definitely an odd request, but will they comply?
Fodder Inc #283: Stranger At The Gate


Daryl's priorities are clearly different than most people. Would you help him?
Fodder Inc #282: Priorities
Sickness, grossness, goop, grossness, and Gop
Fodder Inc #281: Down With the Sickness


The career change really lets him do what he is best at
Fodder Inc #280: Career Change
It feels like the dungeon is always a day aware from descending into chaos
Fodder Inc #279: Inmates Running the Asylum
You always have to try and haggle on the price, right?
Fodder Inc #278: Haggling


The Rogue's Band was a murderous band of thieves.
Fodder Inc #277: The Killers

Helping a friend move is the worst job, ever.
Fodder Inc #276: The Worst Job

Daryl's latest trap in a dungeon is sure to sssscare adventurers.
Fodder Inc #275: Ophidiophobia

Surely Daryl will find a way to ruin an employee's day.
Fodder Inc #274: Vacation Destination

He is well versed in turning things into different types of Sheep, isn't he?
Fodder Inc #273: POLYMORPH!

The Barbarian Man is right. Warlock's make terrible friends.
Fodder Inc #272: Heed all Warnings

Even when speaking with Animals, there can be a language barrier, it seems.
Fodder Inc #271: Generation Gap

I'm curious how a sloth was the best choice. Ray needs to make that strip.
Fodder Inc #270: Profit and Popularity

If that's what you have to do to survive, Ill pass, as well.
Fodder Inc #269: Fear The Sniffer

That curse is not a big deal. That's not a great thing.
Fodder Inc #265: Curse, Shmurse

Squatters Rights extend to Frost Giants, right?
Fodder Inc #267: Squatters

Sometimes the Cursed Sword Says the Quiet Part Out Loud
Fodder Inc #266: It’s (not) All In Your Head

Dan was in the wrong place, at the wrong time.
Fodder Inc #265: Wrong Place, Wrong Time.

The New HR Trainee seems absolutely terrifying
Fodder Inc #264: Lost In Translation

With that many teeth, Kevin is going to be busy for quite some time.
Fodder Inc #263: Right Man for the Job

The Meat Puppet has spoken. Will the rest of the adventurers fall into the trap?
Fodder Inc #262: The Meat Puppet

Kevin Would be the one to decide that the Open House needed more Guests...
Fodder Inc #261: Open House

It's a shame that your new power didn't last long
Fodder Inc #260: A Source Of Power

Clicking Buttons, Firing Fire Bolts, Terrifying Adventurers. Success
Fodder Inc #259: Click The Button?

It's the return of a minor character, and a reference to the Podcast! The Well definitely ran off!
Fodder Inc #258: Well What?!

Daryl has found a great way to provide music throughout the dungeon without paying for it.
Fodder Inc #257: Get the Hose

Who in the world would hire a necromancer as a Doctor? Oh Right, Daryl.
Fodder Inc #256: The Benefits Package

Daryl's plan to profit off of the tragedy shouldn't surprise anyone
Fodder Inc #255: Profitable Opportunity

No matter what size your hero is, there are battles for all of us to face.
Fodder Inc #254: Halls of Death

Daryl really seems excited to get the new travel system in place.
Fodder Inc #253: Mass Transit

Is anyone else shocked that Daryl demoed this himself?
Fodder Inc #252: Wake Up Call

Daryl knows these guys are serious business. The sign is a ruse to keep them from making the dungeon look bad.
Fodder Inc #251: Safety Regulations

Clearly, Nothing is is ever dangerous enough for Daryl.
Fodder Inc #250: Dungeon Impossible

This guy shouldn't be allowed to hold a map, let alone try and read it.
Fodder Inc #249: Cartography Skills

Daryl and Michael cleaned up outside of the Dungie Awards
Fodder Inc #248: The Dungie Awards

This is clearly the wrong time for an existential crisis
Fodder Inc #247: Wrong Time For a Crisis

This is clearly the wrong time for an existential crisis
Fodder Inc #246: Viva La Resolution!

Daryl has reached an all new low this year, at Christmas.
Fodder Inc #245: Christmas, Dungeon Style.

Sometimes, even an artist needs motiviation.
Fodder Inc #244: Motivational Speaker

Daryl is bringing refreshments to his meeting with the board
Fodder Inc #243: Packing a Snack

Gop has been drafted by a barbarian to solve the hardest riddle.
Fodder Inc #242: Riddle Me This

It is Toby Week! Time to kill a bunch of Toby's in the dungeon!
Fodder Inc #241: The Toby Reunion

Kittie Traumatizes another adventurer, and Fodder Inc is coming to Kickstarter Friday, November 24th, 2023!
Fodder Inc #240: Just a Box

Because of course daryl would use Zombies to Staff a Hotel
Fodder Inc #239: Hotel ZombieHop

Surely, their scout is just fine. No reason to worry!
Fodder Inc #238: Scouting Ahead

Who is the bigger monster under the bed? Daryl? Or the new guy?
Fodder Inc #237: Monster Under the Bed

When you Find a Scroll in Azmo's, just.... Don't.
Fodder Inc #236: Return to Sender

Apparently, even the world of D&D isn't immune to spam calls
Fodder Inc #235: Spammed

Don't be a misogynist, and you wont get beaten.
Fodder Inc #234: Knucklehead

The Runes on the Chisel Clearly say: DO NOT TOUCH
Fodder Inc #233: Anti Theft Device

No one can hear you scream when the Kittie coems to find you.
Fodder Inc #232: No One Can Hear You Scream

Gop and Daryl go to visit one of the underwater Dungeon Levels
Fodder INC #231: Diplomatic Immunity

Gop's Passive Aggressiveness is showing through
Fodder Inc #230: Clearing the History

Pop Pop has sent these poor schmucks to their death.
Fodder Inc #229: Truly to Die For

Azmodendak's Halls of Madness; The Commercial
Fodder Inc #228: Cracked Eggs

Sometimes you just need to provide perspective
Fodder Inc #227: Perspective Needed

The Intern is Daryl to Daryl
Fodder Inc #226: Daryl’s Daryl

When the Boss' kid is the intern, Collateral Damage is inevitable
Fodder Inc #225: Collateral Damage

When the loot is too easy, turn it into a battle royale.
Fodder Inc #224: Pay Per View

Daryl's new tablet has preoccupied him to the nth degree
Fodder Inc #223: Preoccupation

Warhorse, hobby horse, it's the same thing.
Fodder Inc #222″ GIDDYUP!

Looks like the halfling is the one calling the shots.
Fodder Inc #221: Voluntold

Fodder Inc #220: The Black Diamond Package

That's a tough way to find out that the shrooms are psychadelic
Fodder Inc #219: Psychedelic.

Daryl's time with his high school classmates will ended better for him than expected
Fodder Inc #218: Reunions are the Worst

Dreran may be a badass, but he is not getting a discount.
Fodder Inc #217: NO DISCOUNTS

Do they make Zyrtec or Claritin in Dragon Capsule Size?
Fodder Inc #216: Allergic Reaction

Rescure, Funeral, sometimes its all the same
Fodder Inc #215: Down the Hatch

Brian and Toby are going to get really cool robes
Fodder Inc #214: The Gatekeepers

Leave it to Daryl and Azmo to store a banishment spell in a Bell
Fodder Inc #213: Banishment (By Bell)

Captain Haser Rings the Bell of Destiny.
Fodder Inc #212: Ring a Ding Ding

The Head Honcho, Azmo, just a head.
Fodder Inc #211: Really Just a Head

Captain Haser is Daryl, from another dimension.
Fodder Inc #210: Wrong Little Green Man

It looks like we are going to have an all new group in the dungeon
Fodder Inc #209: His Only Luck is Bad Luck

Clearly someone got teleported to the wrong place.
Fodder Inc #208: Interdimensional mixup

sometimes trying to find a new party member can be a real slog.
Fodder Inc #207: The Interview

Daryl Certainly has interesting plans on how to make money.
Fodder Inc #206: The Blood Fountain

If I had to choose between not knowing, and electrified hot garbage, I'm taking electrified hot garbage
Fodder Inc #205: Electrified Hot Garbage

Abandon the Dungeon Before Heroes Death
Fodder Inc #204: ADHD

No matter what you think, this strip is overdue.
Fodder Inc #203: Overdue

A Demon that is always a Dental Hygienist is definitely par for the course in this dungeon
Fodder Inc #202: The Man Behind the Horns

It appears not everyone is a fan of the practitioners of magic.
Fodder Inc #201: Simply the Worst

Daryl is clearly delusional, if he thinks he's the reason the dungeon is doing well.
Fodder Inc #200: All Press Isn’t Good Press

If at first you don't success, I'll learn from your death.
Fodder Inc #199: If at First You Don’t Succeed… (I’ll learn from your death)

If Daryl is creeped out by the old man that makes toys, you should be too.
Fodder Inc #198: For Kids

The first Adventure is finding Adventure ~Daryl Dendak
Fodder Inc #197: Don’t Get Lost

Fodder Inc #196: Occupational Hazards

Aw, a Toby won first prize. That's so... Oh. That's creepy
Fodder Inc #195: The Tournament Winners Are….

Daryl finally lets Gop in on the best part of the Tournament
Fodder Inc #194: Only Loers

Technically, there is 51%?
Fodder Inc #193: Rules Lawyering

Dead or Alive, you can still find traps.
Fodder Inc #192: Investigation: Barbarian style

The First Annual Tournament of Adventurers is underway!
Fodder Inc #191: The Tournament of Adventurers!

Daryl Lost his keys and still can't remember Gop's Name
Fodder Inc #190: Bad Hair Day

The Doctor is preparing a Thanksgiving Feast
Fodder Inc #189: A Feast Fit For A Doctor

Even the bravest Adventurer's falter, and fall
Fodder Inc #188: The Folly

This Old Adventurer is looking for one more chance at Glory
Fodder Inc #187: The Mortal

Looks like one of the Tobias Boys has a new party of heroes to take into the dungeon.
Fodder Inc #186: Motivational Speaking

Daryl is a cruel, sadistic, money making monster.
Fodder Inc #185: Lose, Lose, Win.

All of that could've been handled by a wizard.
Fodder Inc #184: Encumbered, Probably

You gotta pay attention to the price to respawn
Fodder Inc #183: The Price of Success

No one has the patience to let a wizard cast a spell
Fodder Inc #182: Charge!

All that glitters is... sometimes a party member
Fodder Inc #181: Immortalized

Daryl never met a crisis he couldn't profit off of
Fodder Inc #180: Free Loot

This Tobias kid thinks he has Gop Figured out.
Fodder Inc #179: Looks Can Be Deceiving

Daryl is in Full Damage Control
Fodder Inc #178: Damage Control.

Fodder Inc #177: That Moment.

Vivian really Seems to think the goblins are an item
Fodder Inc #176: Awkward Meetings

Aunt Viv has a very interesting idea about GOp and Kevin.
Fodder Inc #175: Unionized

Apparerntly, Aunt Viv is there to provide Couples Therapy
Fodder Inc #174: Couples Therapy

Now, that's one way to create life.
Fodder Inc: Faith Requires Sacrifice

A new hero has awakened.
Fodder Inc #172: The Path to Power

Daryl is still traumatizing Daryl
Fodder Inc #171: Traumatizing Experiences

Azmo explains how he knows that Kevin and Daryl are OK.
Fodder Inc #170: Chips in Daryl

Gop asks Azmo a question he didn't like the answer to.
Fodder Inc #169: Panic! …At the Office

The Auditor is ready. But, clearly Kevin and Daryl are not.
Fodder Inc #168: How’s this work?

The Auditor has an actual plan.
Fodder Inc #167: NOW 2 (That’s what I call a Plan)

Plans need to be spoken out loud to people who will judge you.
Fodder Inc #166: When You Say It Out Loud…

Even Demon Dads struggle to understand their kids
Fodder Inc #165: The Best Intentions

The Auditor has some killer moves.
Fodder Inc #164: Fiends With Benefits

The Auditor is finally wise to what her father is doing. Will She Save Kevin?
Fodder Inc #163: Surprise Suitor

Even the Best Laid Plans need communication
Fodder Inc #162: Bait, and… Bait.

Kevin has a plan on how to deal with Kittie.
Fodder Inc #161: Re-Boxing

Floating Heads don't need pants, duh...
Fodder Inc #160: Happy to See Me

Time for Kevin to Prove he's worthy of the boss' Daughter
Fodder Inc #159 Corporate Training Center

Kevin and the Father of the Auditor finally meet.
Fodder Inc #158: Kevin, The Manager…?

Chair Demons can be dangerous
Fodder Inc #157: Angels and Chairdemons

Apparently Kevin's Love Note made it's way to the ears of the Auditor's Father's Ears....
Fodder Inc #156: Meet the Parents

Gop's new job, makes him a house goblin
Fodder Inc #155: The House Goblin

Gop really did get a 3rd leg.
Fodder Inc #154: Tail As Old As Time

Gop's Third Leg... Does that mean there is a 4th leg?
Fodder Inc #153: Gop’s Third Leg.

Gop finds himself in the infirmary under the watchful eye of the doctor.
Fodder Inc #152: The Greenish Patient

I'd Expect to hear from MOSH (Monster Occupation Safety & Health) about this.
Fodder Inc #151: Workplace Safety

Was Rick's Last Name Van Gogh?
Fodder Inc #150 Auditory Issues

Sometimes, the danger is what you can't see
Fodder Inc #149: Negative Feelings

Kevin takes the New Recruit to his favorite place in the dungeon
Fodder Inc #148: Kitchen Duty

Kevin has done this all before
Fodder Inc #147: Welcome to the Dungeon Pt II

It appears that Fodder Inc has decided to check out how the dungeon is working
Fodder Inc #146: Undercover Demon

That's an awful lot of moppy headed blonde guys in a dungeon
Fodder Inc #145: Deja Vu

Daryl has a Diabolical Plan.
Fodder Inc #144: Diabolical

125+ Strips later, and it's come full circle
Fodder Inc #143: Head in a Chest.

The message seems to have been lost in translation
Fodder Inc #142: Lost In Translation

Gop humors Daryl's next hair brained scheme
Fodder Inc #141: Just Encouraging Dayl’s Impulses

Brian tries to goad Mac into talking about the dungeon
Fodder Inc #140: Mac and B

This group of Dwarves are not prepared for the Human on the other side of the door
Fodder Inc: The Final Boss

Kevin had a great idea of trap
Fodder Inc #138: Wardrobe Malfunction

Pride Comes Before the Fall... Or Saw Blades.

Pride Cometh Before…

Kevin and Gop should definitely keep a better eye on their surroudnings
Fodder Inc #136: I Always Feel Like…

Kevin gets ready to go shopping for the holidays
Fodder Inc #135: Shopping Session

You know you're in trouble when you confuse maps this bad
Fodder Inc #134: Mimics ‘R Us

Oh, I think this is going to end poorly for someone.
Fodder Inc #133: From the Halls of Madness

Apparently Nurse T isnt a fan of dead wizards
Fodder Inc #132: A wolf… of Sorts.

Daryl seems to have taken a page from the L Ron Hubbard

Sometimes you just need a friend to help cheer you up
Fodder Inc #130: Bowling for Loot

Kevin tells us about his crush
Fodder Inc #129: Thoughts and Wishes

kevin finally works up the courage to let his crush know what he thinks of her.
Fodder Inc #128: Charm… Monster?

Daryl seems to have friends like Sylvester and Wesley
Fodder Inc #127: So Much For The Seashells

Daryl Cant be bothered with details. Butwe knew that
Fodder Inc #126: The Big Picture

Leave it to Daryl to find another way to monetize the dungeon
Fodder Inc #125: A New Kind of Loot

Dwarves aren't as tough as they think
Fodder Inc #124: Kobolds, Spiders, or Lich?

Sir Byron Regales his Squire with tales from the dungeon
Fodder Inc #123: Sir Byron and his Squire

Daryl is not a smart man.
Fodder Inc #122: Rock Hard Hair

Traps, Manticores, nd a butchering
Fodder Inc #121: Simon The Butchered

Everybody wants to wear the boots
Fodder Inc #120: Nothing Fits

There seems to be a inequity in how the loot was distributed
Fodder Inc #119: Loot Distribution

Some Strikes are more violent than others.
Fodder Inc #118: When Orcs Strike

Fodder Inc #117: The Ultimate Intimidator

It's pretty obvious to see why Azmo is better off as a head, right?
Fodder Inc #116: Descent into Madness

Gop goes to a tailor, at tje request of Daryl.
Fodder Inc #115: Looking the Part

Bigger Bow, Bigger Boat, Bigger Arrows.
Fodder Inc #114: The Quint Philosophy

Kevin certainly has an interesting way of consuming Content
Fodder Inc #113: Spell Eater

Gop and Kevin take a minute to reflect on the new Sponsorship for the dungeon
Fodder Inc #112: Sponsored!

Apparently, Gop has never been around a warlock
Fodder Inc #111: Concentration Check

Daryl's Newest round of promotions for the Dungeon have been pretty bad.
Fodder Inc #110: Fashion Advice

Bloodtusk regales the tales of dungeon boss anctics
Fodder Inc #109: Stick to an Axe Fight

Sometimes, Looking For Group doesn't yield the best results
Fodder Inc #108: Sharpen The Hammers

Samuel seems to have split the party
Fodder Inc #107: Death in the Party

Sometimes you need to hire a Hero, to get the job done
Fodder Inc #106:
“Heroes” For Hire

Daryl gets back in the swing of running a dungeon.
Fodder Inc #105: Profit and Losses

It seems to have been a harrowing few weeks for Daryl
Fodder Inc #104: Daryl and the Beast

You wouldn't like Jenny when she's angry
Fodder Inc #103: Mean and Green

Why would Jenny dig Daryl out of the tower, if she brought it down?
Fodder Inc #102: Deeply Apologetic.

well, Its safe to say that a dragon's breath blast to a tower will fail inspection
Fodder Inc #101: Inspection Failed

Apparently, Jenny had an Ex who isn't fond of Daryl breaking the curse?
Fodder Inc #100: Especially Observant

Apparently, Jenny had an Ex who isn't fond of Daryl breaking the curse?
Fodder Inc #99: Failed Dex Save

Daryl, blinded by all the Gold, is blindsided by Jenny's Desire to show off a dungeon
Fodder Inc #98: All that Shimmers really is Gold

Scaring a dragon is always a bad idea.
Fodder Inc #97: Burned Countryside

Smitten by his very presence, Jenny seems to be having a hard time concentrating on what Daryl is actually saying.
Fodder Inc #96: Charmed, by a Person

You've never seen a group so happy to be back in a dungeon
Fodder Inc #95: Dungeons & Goblins

It seems like there is no end to what the Doctor can hold in his cloak.
Cloak of Holding

So, Azmo was inside the Doctor's Hood, but does that mean he's the Doctor?
Fodder Inc #93: Azmo, Hide and Seek Champion

Gop comes to the realization that they forgot Azmodendak.
Fodder Inc #92: Kevin!

Of course eating that much would surely settle around your hips
Fodder Inc #91: It’s All In The Hips

What kind of plan could Gop and the Gentleman be hatching?
Fodder Inc #90: Jenny from the Inc?

Gop seems to be a little down in the dumps.
Fodder Inc #89: Relatable Blues

Do you think that Daryl is going to convince her to "Work", in the Dungeon?
Fodder Inc #88: Honey, I’m Home!

daryl is the assistant to the manager now. But at what cost?
Fodder Inc; Merry Christmas, 2020

It appears that Jenny has secured the best attorney a dragon hoard can buy to sevure the release of Daryl
Fodder Inc #87: “Giant” in the field

Daryl confronts Jenny about the Treasure Horde
Fodder Inc #86: Making Ends Meet

Two Guards, eager to watch Daryl get eaten by a Dragon are more mortified than they thought they'd be.
Fodder Inc #85: Color Commentary

She's got a what, now?
Fodder Inc #84: Cooties are Curses

It seems that Azmo has plans, and plans, and orders for plans.
Fodder Inc #83: The (in)Sidious Protocol

I think Daryl Wishes he had started running.
Fodder Inc #82: Run, Daryl, Run!

Who keeps messing with Daryl? He's no Mage, right?
Fodder Inc #81: Snakes and Dragons

Oh boy, Cursed Ex Wives aren't really good for your health.
Fodder Inc #80: Ex’s… they haunt you

Wait... If the Castle Burnt down, and there's a curse...
Fodder Inc #79: Curses, Castles, and Burns

Azmo and Daryl don't seem to see eye to eye about how Daryl has lived his live
Fodder Inc #78: Who can I turn to?

There will be no need for cuffs for this arrest.
Fodder Inc #77: Don’t Lose Your Head (Raiding The Dungeon III)

While Gop works to fix a trap, the guards use entarpment to snag another Suspect.
Fodder Inc #76: Raiding the Dungeon II: Gop Got Got(ti’d)

Maybe the Tub is a Mimic, and can help Daryl Escape
Fodder Inc #75: Raiding the Dungeon

It's always the taxes that end up getting them.
Foolish Media: #74: Got(ti) Them

This week's adventurer's prove that adventuring has no limits
#73: Snakes, Cats, and Wheels, Oh my!

It's apparent that Daryl is not a rogue.
Fodder Inc #72: Check for Traps

Azmodendak's Halls of Madness: The Dungeon that doesn't pay you back.
Fodder Inc #71: Priceless

Foolish Media #70: Porta Cattus
Foolish Media #70: Porta Cattus

Kevin and Gop talk about their MARVELous journeys
Fodder Inc #69: Kevin’s Marvelous Journey

MR Gbast sets about hiring new denizens of the dungeons
Fodder Inc #68: Through the Halls and Flames

The Town Crier brings you Breaking News from the dungeon
Fodder Inc #67: Breaking News!

Gbast returns from his meeting to find that he has a visitor waiting in his office.
Fodder Inc #66: The Office

Until that moment, it didn't dawn on Gop that Azmo had no hands.
Fodder Inc #65: Oblivious

Azmo has to explain, that not even wizards give away all of their secrets.
Fodder Inc #64: Azmo, the Magnificent.

Daryl and Gop seem to have found themselves trying to out run denizens of another dungeon
Fodder Inc #63: Dungeon Run 2.0

Mr Gbast has to clarify that Goblins in fact, do not grow on trees
Fodder Inc #62: Goblins and Treants

Remember Gbast? Looks like he is in a hot spot right now.
Fodder Inc #61: A Hot Spot

I hear that you don't instantly die in space. Maybe I can ask Gop and Daryl
Fodder Inc #60: A Goblin Sized Leap

We at Foolish Media are taking the week off to stand next to our Black Brothers and Sisters during this trying time. #BlackLivesMatter

Gop and Daryl are just a hair late to witness Time Travel
Fodder Inc #59: a Freaking Delorean?!

As Daryl and Gop discuss the Frisbee, it's owner's find them.
Fodder Inc #58: Close Encounters of the Gop Kind

Gop and Daryl find themselves... somewhere that isn't home
Fodder Inc #57: This ain’t Kansas

The blood and the Compass have sent Daryl and Gop on a cosmic journey
Fodder Inc #56: The Final Frontier

That Sacrifice, seems less scary now, right?
#55: Just a Scratch.

It seems that Gop may have a plan to get them home. But at what cost?
#54 …a What Now?

Daryl gets interrogated by Gop, as he begs for Daryl to take him home
Fodder Inc #53: The Interrogator and the Interrogated

It seems that Gop has had all of this place that he can stand, and is ready to leave.
Fodder Inc #52: Time To Go.

Poor Daryl doesn't even recognize his favorite employee
Fodder Inc #51: The Apprentice (You Idiot)

As the head in the box works its magic, Daryl meets up with a long lost relative.
Fodder Inc #50: Family Reunion.

That hairy guy has the head in the box... How?
Fodder Inc #49: 2 Heads are better than 1.

Where in the world did Daryl find end up? Who is that guy?
Fodder Inc #48

Somewhere, a tribe of hunters await a great beast, in masks of their chief.
Fodder INC #47

Daryl and Ferrellus have a heart to heart
Fodder Inc #46 – 2 Men, 1 Box

#45: Deep in the Cups

#44: Getting the Drop

What exactly is Daryl doing?
#43: Under the Cover of Night.

It looks like the head in the box was right, Daryl did give up. Can anything save the dungeon?
#42: Azmodendak’s Abandoned Loot Pinata

At this point, it seems that Kevin may be Daryl's only friend...
#41: Frien…enemies?

It appears that the good "doctor" may be in cahoots with a box, and a kittie.
#40: The doctor is in… cahoots.

Head in a box? Who is the head in the box?
Fodder Inc #39: A box says what?

With Gop missing, Daryl begins to fear for the dungeon's traps.
Fodder Inc #38: Every trap needs a spring

Gop is a little lost in Limbo, and looking for friends. Do you remember his friend?
Fodder Inc #37: Hello Mister Bones

A couple of residents in Limbo are on the hunt.
#36: Scruffy Looking Gop Hunter.
It feels like the dungeon is always a day aware from descending into chaos
Fodder Inc #279: Inmates Running the Asylum

Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
Current Strips