Oh Cluck! The Set.

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Foxy is one of the most interesting "Roosters" you'll find in Oh Cluck! The debut party card game from Foolish Media LLC!

Jerk Chicken is a Rooster with a built in Dodge ability in Oh Cluck! the Party Card Game from Foolish Media LLC

Rosie is the Hen in the House in Oh Cluck! The debut party card game from Foolish Media LLC

The Reverend is a holy man on a holy mission to save Eggs in Oh Cluck!

Salmonella is one of the Roosters you can use to wage a Barnyard Brawl with in the debut party card game from Foolish Media, Oh Cluck!

Kung Pow is a Rooster you can use in your coop in the debut card game from Foolish Media, Oh Cluck!

Schwartz will help "pump you up" with his increased attack damage

The General is one of the Roosters that you will command from your coop in Oh Cluck! The party card game from Foolish Media LLC
Peatah, A Rooster from Oh Cluck!


Sporked is a 2 damage attack card in Oh Cluck! a party card game from Foolish Media LLC

Rotten Egg is a 1 Damage Attack from Oh Cluck! the debut party card game from Foolish Media LLC.

Honey Mustard is a saucy attack that leaves a Rooster a mess

Feathers Flyin' the 3 damage attack from Oh Cluck!

In the Nuggets, an attack from Foolish Media's Oh Cluck!

Chicken Scratch - an Attack to target a Rooster with in Oh Cluck!

Fried! a 2 damage attack from the Card Game Oh Cluck! From Foolish Media LLC


Juiced is the ultimate: You can't kill my Rooster Card, stopping even abilities and cards that would remove him from play.

Voodoo Chicken Stops specials right in their tracks., Countering the action, as if it never happened.

Chickens Don't Fly, a Counter Card from the Oh Cluck! Party Game from Foolish Media LLC


Serve that attack back at your opponent with a side of waffles!

Birds of a Feather is the Basic Dodge card in the Standard Edition of Oh Cluck!

Chicken Dance is one of the most powerful Dodge's in the game Oh Cluck!


Take a Dive is the ultimate Special, denying your opponent the eggs they desperately fought for.

Prove your opponent belongs in the supermarket, with Boneless!

Sunny Side Up lets you collect an egg when someone defeats your Rooster.

Hen in the House is the Mother of all Special Cards in OH Cluck! from Foolish Media LLC

Plucked is one of the Specials in Oh Cluck! The debut Party Card Game from Foolish Media LLC

With His Head Cut Off, a Special Type Card from Oh Cluck! Foolish Media's debut party game

Party Fowl

Noodle Soup, The Faux Pas you want to commit!